A87 closures due to roadworks

Resurfacing works due to take place this week on three stretches of the A87 on Skye have been rescheduled to begin next Monday.

The first is at Torra Michaig near the Isle of Skye Golf Club, where the road will be closed duiring Monday night in both directions from 7pm to 6am on Tuesday 29th November. During the closure, amnesties at 8pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm,12pm, 2am and 4am will allow waiting vehicles to be escorted through the site. Emergency service vehicles will be allowed to pass through the site throughout the working period.

Between Sligachan and south of Ben Lee will be closed for three nights from Tuesday 29th November to Thursday 1st December, from 7pm to 6am. The same amnesties will apply.

On Friday 2nd December at Ben Lee the A87 will be closed from 7pm to 7am, when there will be a convoy system with a speed limit of 10mph in place.