The second week of the Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club regatta fortnight began last week in glorious sunshine.
In the evening seven boats raced for the second Plockton Trophy race for local boats: 1st Alexander MacKenzie (Eala Bhan), 2nd Neil MacRae (Rona), 3rd Malcolm MacKenzie (Taeping).
The first race of the Monday afternoon was the Ladies Centreboard Race. Only two boats entered – Imogen Smith, and her mother Katherine, from Sheffield, who competed for the Achwurrin Rose Bowl. The race was won by Imogen in a Laser beating her mother Katherine in a Wayfarer.
Seven centreboards also sailed in the fourth Ulluva Cup Race and first Sgeir Bhuidh Cup Race, which resulted in a first and second place for the Smith brothers: 1st James Smith, (Inominate), 2nd Robin Smith (Conundrum), 3rd Andy Hutchinson (D-Zero).
On the Tuesday morning , three Toppers sailed for the Fossil Trophy over three short races: 1st Calum Hay, 2nd Alasdair Stewart, 3rd Scott Peters.
On Tuesday evening five local boats sailed for the ex-Commodore’s Tray: 1st Ian Hay (Seolta), 2nd Neil MacRae (Rona), 3rd Graham Sharp (Saranna C).
Also five centreboards sailed for the fifth Ulluva and second Sgeir Bhuidhe Cup race: 1st James Smith, 2nd Robin Smith, 3rd Imogen Smith.
On Wednesday evening the fourth and final race for the Plockton Trophy had six starters on a calm and – for the first time – wet evening . Only three boats finished inside the two-and-a-half-hour limit: 1st Malcolm MacKenzie (Taeping), 2nd Alexander MacKenzie (Eala Bhan), 3rd Ian Hay (Seolta).
As a result of the four race series, the winner of the Plockton Trophy was Alexander MacKenzie in Eala Bhan, the boat he bought this year from Morag Amos, giving him his fifth trophy this season. He won with four points. Runner-up and winner of the Fred Allen Galleon was Malcolm MacKenzie in Taeping with seven points. Third was Ian Hay on eight points.
Also held was the sixth and final Ulluva Cup and third Sgeir Bhuidhe Cup race: 1st Andy Hutchinson (D-Zero), 2nd James Smith (Inominate), 3rd Robin Smith (Conundrum).
As a result of six races, the Ulluva Cup was won by James Smith with 14 points. Imogen Smith also had 14 points but James had the most firsts. Guy Smith was third with 16 points.
The results of the three-race series for the Sgeir Bhuidh Cup was: 1st James Smith (four points), 2nd Robin Smith (seven points), 3rd Imogen Smith (11 points).
On Thursday evening both local boats and centreboards sailed together for the race in aid of RNLI. Six local boats and five centreboards took part: 1st Michael Hay (Nan), 2nd Alexander MacKenzie (Conundrum), 3rd Andy Hutchinson (Seola).
On Friday , on a wet and windy day, only two boats ventured out for the Fishing Competition. Winner of the most and heaviest catch was Mick Gray form Duirinish. Winner of heaviest single fish was Ewen Cameron.
Top prize winner was Alexander MacKenzie who bought the Eala Bhan last year and won five trophies. It was a big few weeks for Alexander as his partner Fiona had a son on 7th June.
On Saturday, despite all the bad forecasts, the Childrens’ Ragamuffin Race was held on a warm, cloudy morning. Only three boats took part, having three races to decide the overall winner: 1st Alasdair Hay (Nan), 2nd Chloe McLaughlin (Taeping), 3rd Ben Anderson (Ajax.
After the race the club’s prize-giving was held outside for the first time, as the usual concert could not be held because of the pandemic.
Commodore Fiona MacKenzie presented the 35 trophies. She also announced that the winner of the Perch Trophy for rowing was won by Kenneth and Neil Macrae in 25 minutes 15 seconds. Kenneth has now been in the winning team for the past eight years.
The Junior Endeavour Trophy went to Alasdair Stewart and the Starminx Starters Cup to Ian Hay. Fiona also thanked everybody who had made the fortnight such a success.
The AGM is next month but the club are still looking for a Commodore for next year.

The Ragamuffin Race presented a lovely story to the event. Crewing in the Ajax was Alasdair Tindall (7) from Ullinish, Skye. His father Alexander was brought up in Plockton and his grandfather Frank sailed for many years in the Regatta. However, his other grandfather, the late Donald Mackinnon from Ullinish, once owned the Ajax and used the boat to ferry sheep to an island. The boat is a Mackenzie boat and when the club heard it was for sale they bought it. Douglas Hamilton, ex-Plockton Shopkeeper, bought it from the club and fitted it out for sailing.
The boat was skippered by Douglas’ grandson Ben and this was Alasdair’s first time in the Ragamuffin, in his Skye grandfather’s old boat.