The First Minister has this afternoon (Friday) outlined a five-tier framework as part of the Scottish Government’s approach to tackle the coronavirus.
The framework includes five levels from 0-4 which the First Minister says “sets out how we will work to suppress the virus and presents an honest reflection of the decisions we will need to make, and the balance we will have to reach…”
The First Minister said: “It has become increasingly clear that we need to update our approach to tackling Coronavirus to adapt to this latest phase of the pandemic. The draft strategic framework we are publishing sets out how we intend to do that.
“It tries to balance different types of harms. But it is worth stressing that if we allow the virus to run out of control then that will exacerbate every other harm.
“In the coming days, we will listen to views from stakeholders on any suggested changes they might have, or how they would like to see it implemented. Although the framework we have published is new, the principles behind it will be familiar.
“I know that when people hear the daily figures it’s easy to feel as though the hard sacrifices we are all living with are not making a difference. But by taking these difficult steps we will help suppress the virus, and that is why I am asking everyone to stick with it.”
The images below provide an outline of how the levels – if implemented – would affect society.


Life events



The framework, which will come into effect on 2nd November, will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday (27th October).
It is rooted in tackling the “four harms” the virus causes;
1.The direct attack on life and health;
2.The harm to wider health and care services, and indirectly to health and wellbeing;
3.The impact on the most vulnerable of society;
4.And the damage inflicted on the economy, employment, and prosperity.
To view Scotland’s Strategic Framework in full click here.
More to follow in next week’s Free Press – out on Thursday.