Anyone who is a victim of domestic abuse or gender-based violence should receive all the help they need during the coronavirus pandemic, campaigners have said.
The appeal was made by the Highland Violence Against Women Partnership, which includes Highland Council, Police Scotland, NHS Highland, local Women’s Aid organisations and the Rape and Sexual Abuse Service Highland.
The partner agencies continue to monitor the impact the current lockdown measures may be having on families.
The partnership say it is committed, even in these difficult times, to continuing to offer their services to safeguard the welfare of women and children.
New guidance has also been announced for social landlords around domestic abuse and coronavirus which has been developed by the Chartered Institute of Housing, Scottish Women’s Aid and COSLA.
Chair of the Highland Violence Against Women Partnership, Jacquelyn Jennett, said: “This is a particularly difficult time for women and children suffering from domestic violence as they will have reduced contact with supportive friends, families, communities and services.
“Experts have warned that pandemics have been linked to increased violence against women and children. When mobility is limited and social distancing measures are in place, economic vulnerability increases, legal and social services are scaled back and challenges in escaping abusive partners can be exacerbated.”
Ross-Shire, Skye & Lochalsh Women’s Aid
Telephone: 01349 863568
Email: info@rosswa.co.uk
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Website: www.rosswa.co.uk