In excess of 50 children took part in this year’s Fèis Thròndairnis, the annual celebration of traditional Gàidhlig music and culture which took place in north Skye last week.
Attending this year were several younger children who were new to this Fèis, as well as children who have been participants for a few years; all were equally welcomed by the organisers and tutors.
Tuition was offered in Gàidhlig drama, Gàidhlig song, fiddle, accordion, keyboards/piano, clàrsach, guitar, chanter and piping, whistle, drumming, arts and crafts and shinty. Children from age 7 upwards took part.
Most of those taking part were from the north Skye schools but there were children visiting grandparents attending too. The main focus of the Fèis was to foster the area’s rich Gàidhlig language and culture.
The traditional “tutors’ cèilidh” was held on the Tuesday evening with the children showcasing their skills at the final concert on Friday afternoon.
Bun-sgoil Stafainn, Staffin Community Hall and Columba 1400 were the venues for the various Fèis activities.

This year’s tutors were Eoghan MacDonald, Graham MacKenzie, Allan MacLeod, Ian Ruari Finlayson, Andrew MacPherson, Murdo Cameron, Sileas Sinclair, Lilidh Campbell and Katie MacKenzie.
Fèis Thròndairnis is well supported each year by an active local committee and by its parent body, Fèisean nan Gàidheal.