POSITIVE REPORT: Inspectors praise Isle of Skye primary school for leadership and values

Proud Broadford P7 pupils joined by head teacher Stephen Atkins Pic Willie Urquhart

Broadford Primary School has earned a glowing report card following a recent inspection by a team from Education Scotland.

The 61-pupil south Skye primary was recognised for its strong leadership throughout the school, and the keen and motivated children.

Education Scotland evaluated Broadford Primary as “good” in all four areas of inspection – leadership; learning, teaching and assessment; ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion; and raising attainment and achievement.

The inspection team found the following strengths in the school’s work:

• The leadership at all levels across the school. The headteacher and staff have developed a caring and nurturing school culture where children are keen and motivated to learn.

• The leadership of Gaelic. The headteacher and staff are enthusiastic in taking forward and celebrating Gaelic. This has resulted in the numbers of learners of Gaelic at the school increasing.

• Polite well-mannered children. They consistently demonstrate school values in their interactions within school and across the local community. 

Areas identified for improvement are for staff to continue to develop children’s fluency in Gaelic in both English Medium and Gaelic Medium Education.

The headteacher and staff should also work together to raise attainment in writing and numeracy, particularly by increasing pace and challenge in children’s learning.

Across the school, the headteacher and staff should continue to use a wider range of approaches to evaluating its strengths and next steps for improvement.

The report has been welcomed by Stephen Atkins, headteacher at Broadford Primary, who said: “We are justifiably proud of the result of our recent inspection recognising, as it does, the many positive aspects of our school.   

“We are thrilled that the inspection team noted the caring and nurturing school culture, how our children are motivated to learn and that they are polite and well-mannered – all things we value highly and have put considerable effort into establishing.

“There are clearly next steps to work on, and we embrace these as we continue to prepare and build towards the new school building in Broadford.

“This achievement reflects the hard work, dedication and commitment of the whole school staff team, and indeed the wider community and families.

“Above all, it recognises how well the pupils learn and the opportunities they have at our school.

“I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the staff for their hard work and to all the pupils for always aspiring to our school motto, Aim as High as the Mountains!”