Work on the road to Coral Beach
Resurfacing the worst stretches of single-track road leading to one of Skye’s big tourist attractions has been welcomed by locals.
Highland Council repaired 1.25 miles of the four-mile road to Coral Beach, near Dunvegan, which has been steadily deteriorating for several years due to the number of vehicles using it.
Paul Boswell, who stays at Claigan, just over half a mile from the Coral Beach car park, told the Free Press: “I am glad they are doing this but disappointed they are only doing small sections of the road. The whole road is pretty bad but at least they are doing the worst stretches.
“It is such a shame though that they couldn’t close the road off as we are getting some very irate tourists who get nearly as far as the end of the road, within half a mile of the car park, to find the road blocked off and they are told to turn around and go back again. And that is really annoying people. They are wild parking on the verges and even in people’s driveways.”
Mr Boswell thanked the “fantastic” road crews who are doing the work and who are at the “sharp end” of any frustrations voiced by tourists.
According to Highland Council “long delays are expected as it is single track road with very limited passing places. The works will be daytime only so evenings will be unaffected.”
A spokeswoman added: “Access will be maintained for residents and emergency services but the local roads team asks non-essential visitors to avoid the area while repair works are being carried out on the road.”