A girl has been hospitalised after a climbing frame structure came off the wall in the gym hall at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh in Skye.
Highland Council told the Free Press that the pupil is recovering in hospital and an investigation is now underway to establish the circumstances of the serious incident which happened last Tuesday (25th October).
In a statement to the Free Press, a spokesperson for the Highland Council said: “We were made aware of a serious incident which had taken place at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh when the climbing frame came off the wall and injured one of our pupils.
“The pupil is now recovering in hospital and we wish them a speedy recovery. The gym hall will be out of use for the meantime while we investigate the circumstances of the incident and to identify any required action.”
Skye councillor John Finlayson, meanwhile, told the Free Press: “It was concerning to hear about an incident at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh where a child was unfortunately injured due to the failure of some PE equipment.
“At this time investigations are taking place involving the Health and Safety Executive, council officers and the school to determine what happened.
“The most important issue of all of course, relates to the welfare of the child involved who I understand is still in hospital but doing well.”
Article by Adam Gordon.